Ocular – Automated Visual Validation for Selenium WebDriver Test Automation Frameworks

Overview: Visual Validation is a process of validating the visual aspects of an application’s user interface – Verifying each element in the application is appearing exactly in the same size, color, shape etc. Lets say, your application has charts to represent some data to the end user, how can we verify if the chart is

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JMeter – Understanding the Scope of Variables & Sharing among Threads and Thread-Groups

In this article, We will see how we could define variables in JMeter in such a way that they can be accessed by only within the thread all the threads within thread group the whole test plan in global scope Scope: Local to Thread: Creating Variables at Run Time – Multiple Threads: By default, creating any

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Selenium WebDriver – How To Automatically Switch Among Browser Windows

Overview: One of the common challenges we face while automating our tests is – switching between open windows. Many of us would have seen the code as shown below. // get the current window handle String parentHandle = driver.getWindowHandle(); for (String handle: driver.getWindowHandles()) { if (!parentHandle.equals(handle)) driver.switchTo().window(handle); } There is nothing wrong in the above code

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